Technological innovations we all want
We live in an age of rapid development. New inventions and gadgets are being released almost every month, and every year, scientists are coming up with something new in the fields of physics, biology, and many other.
However, technological innovation mostly focuses on practical usage these days, and there are a few promising ideas that could revolutionize several aspects of how we live our lives.
Self Driven cars
For example, the idea of self-driving trucks has been long out there, but so far, not much progress has been made in bringing this idea to fruition. However, developers and innovators have long realized that computers and machines could overcome the limitations and faults of human drivers. Just imagine, computers don’t get tired, don’t need rest, and are always focused on the road. Of course, self-driven trucks taking on the jobs of humans means that several people may be out of a job, but having safe roads is a strong pro for many in this case. Several companies are testing out the idea of this self-driven truck in order to make their business more efficient and the roads more safe. However, these trucks are not the only innovation we should be on the lookout for these days.
Farmer Drones
Farmers have begun using drones to better manage their crop fields and crop production. The drones allow farmers a unique perspective that previously-used satellite imagery simply could not provide at the same quality and resolution. Remote controlled drones offer a lot of versatility in watching over huge fields of crops, as the drones can help expose issues for example with with irrigation treatment, soil variation, and distressed plants at a much lower cost compared to having done the same with aircraft or other means. Mounting a camera on a drone and flying it anywhere is a great opportunity for farmers this way to see whether certain areas of the crop field need tending to.
Technological innovation also has a huge impact on human biology and biology in general. For example, several companies around the world are currently working towards blurring the lines between natural biological systems and man-made creations, machines, etc. There have recently been attempts at developing developing artificial intelligence systems with the use of Neuromorphic Chips.
What does this mean?
Basically the fact that we can equip machines with a neurology similar to ours, thus coming close to giving a robot a human brain! The chips may also be able to process sensory data through sight and sound, and respond in ways that have not been pre-programmed by the developers.
Oculus Rift
As a finishing touch, it would be productive to dwell into the subject of virtual reality. We’ve all seen Oculus Rift’s success in the previous year. Having an Oculus meant that we could place ourselves in a completely different virtual environment, and enjoy the perks of doing things in a different world. However, Oculus Rift had its practical usage explored for example in the real estate market. Clients and potential renters could experience a full tour of a certain apartment without actually being there, as all they had to do was put on the Oculus at the estate headquarters, and they could walk around in any of the apartments the agency had to offer. Using the Oculus Rift this way is the perfect definition of the praxis of technological innovation. There is a lot of potential in technology in the upcoming years. It is worth it to stay tuned!